10 Best Freelance Websites to Earn Good Income in 2023

7 min readMay 21, 2023


Being a freelancer means being self-employed and not necessarily committed to a long-term employer. As a freelancer, you offer your services or skills to clients on a job-by-job basis, often through online platforms or websites designed to connect freelancers with clients. In this article, we examine the ten best freelance websites for you to earn a good income in 2023.

These platforms encompass various fields like graphic design, writing, programming, consulting, translation, and many more. The process of earning money as a freelancer online generally begins by setting up a profile on one or more of these freelance websites.

Here, you’ll showcase your skills, qualifications, and portfolio. Once your profile is ready, you can browse jobs or projects clients post. You’ll bid on these projects, and if the client is interested in your services, they’ll hire you. You’ll then complete the work as agreed, and upon delivery and the client’s satisfaction, you get paid. Some websites act as intermediaries managing payments and disputes, ensuring safety for both parties.

The potential income largely depends on your skills, experience, and service demand. Some freelancers may earn a few hundred dollars monthly, while others can make several thousand. Freelancing offers the flexibility to set your rates, but it’s essential to be realistic and consider the going rates within your field. Remember that freelancing also entails uncertainties, as the workflow might not be as stable as in a normal employment situation.

Overall, being a freelancer is about taking control of your professional life. It can be rewarding, offering independence, flexibility, and the potential for significant income. However, it also involves challenges like finding clients, managing your time, and dealing with the absence of traditional employment benefits. As with any career path, success as a freelancer requires effort, resilience, and continuous learning.

What is Freelance Work?

Freelance work is a form of self-employment where individuals offer their skills and services to clients on a project-to-project basis rather than being employed on a long-term contract by a single employer. This work encompasses various industries, from writing, graphic design, and software development, to marketing, consulting, and many more.

Freelancers, also known as independent contractors, can work on multiple projects for different clients simultaneously. They can choose the projects they want to work on, the clients they want to work with, and the rates they charge for their services.

Calculating Freelancer Fees

Calculating freelancer fees can be tricky due to the various factors involved. First, you need to consider the market rate for your services. This can be determined by researching what other freelancers in your field charge and what clients are willing to pay.

The complexity and scope of the project also play a vital role in determining your fee. Larger, more complex projects often command higher fees. Your experience, skills, and qualifications are additional factors that can affect what you charge.

Your freelancer fee should cover your business expenses, allow for taxes, and give you a reasonable profit for your living expenses.

The Advantages of Freelancing

Working as a freelancer offers numerous advantages. One of the most notable is the freedom and flexibility it provides. You can choose when, where, and how you work. This can greatly improve work-life balance and personal satisfaction.

Another advantage is the potential for increased earnings. Since you can take on multiple clients at once and set your rates, the earning potential is often higher than traditional employment.

Furthermore, freelancing enables you to broaden your skills and experiences. By working with various clients on diverse projects, you can continually learn, grow, and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

Top 10 Freelance Websites

Freelancing is an exciting journey, and these platforms make the journey easier by connecting talented professionals with businesses seeking their skills. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, freelance websites are great starting points for finding freelance work in 2023.

1. Upwork: A Global Freelance Marketplace

1. Upwork: A Global Freelance Marketplace

Upwork is one of the leading platforms for freelancers. It’s a global hub where clients meet professionals skilled in diverse fields such as writing, graphic design, web development, and more. The well-established reputation and extensive client base of Upwork make it an excellent choice for those looking to venture into the freelance world in 2023.

2. Fiverr: The Market for Creative Services

2. Fiverr: The Market for Creative Services

A platform that needs little introduction, Fiverr has revolutionized the gig economy with its unique model. Whether you’re a creative professional or a digital marketer, Fiverr offers ample opportunities. Its user-friendly interface and wide variety of job categories make it a favorite among freelancers.

3. Toptal: The Elite Freelance Network

3. Toptal: The Elite Freelance Network

Toptal has created a name for itself by catering to the top 3% of freelance talent. They rigorously screen their freelancers to ensure only the finest professionals join their network. This platform is ideal for experienced freelancers looking for high-quality, lucrative projects in software development, finance, and project management.

4. Freelancer: A Universe of Jobs

4. Freelancer: A Universe of Jobs

The name says it all. Freelancer is one of the most comprehensive freelance platforms available, hosting a broad range of job categories. The platform connects freelancers with clients on both small tasks and large projects. Its bidding system gives freelancers the freedom to negotiate project terms and costs.

5. Guru: A Flexible Platform for Freelancers

5. Guru: A Flexible Platform for Freelancers

Guru offers a flexible and cost-effective platform for freelancers. With its workroom feature, managing work becomes simpler and more streamlined. Its secure payment system also ensures that freelancers can focus on their tasks without worrying about financial transactions.

6. FlexJobs: The Gateway to Remote and Flexible Jobs

6. FlexJobs: The Gateway to Remote and Flexible Jobs

FlexJobs distinguishes itself by focusing on remote, part-time, and flexible jobs. If you value work-life balance and are looking for jobs that offer flexible scheduling, FlexJobs is the platform for you. All jobs posted are thoroughly vetted to protect freelancers from scams.

7. Behance: Showcasing Creative Work

7. Behance: Showcasing Creative Work

Owned by Adobe, Behance is the go-to platform for creative professionals. It allows freelancers to showcase their portfolio of work and get discovered by potential clients. From photography to graphic design, it is a platform that fosters creativity and opportunity.

8. Dribbble: The Heart of the Design Community

8. Dribbble: The Heart of the Design Community

Dribbble is a platform where designers showcase their work, grow their skills, and get hired. The site is a vibrant community that provides designers the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and create their best work.

9. 99designs: A Platform for Freelance Designers

9. 99designs: A Platform for Freelance Designers

99designs is a freelance platform specifically for designers. The site offers the unique model of design contests where clients submit their design brief, and designers compete to have their design chosen. It’s an excellent platform for designers seeking creative challenges and opportunities.

10. LinkedIn ProFinder: Leveraging Professional Networks

10. LinkedIn ProFinder: Leveraging Professional Networks

LinkedIn ProFinder leverages the power of LinkedIn’s expansive professional network. It connects freelancers with businesses seeking their expertise. If you have a strong LinkedIn profile and excellent networking skills, ProFinder could be an ideal platform for finding freelance work in 2023.


Freelancing is not for everyone. It requires discipline, business acumen, and the ability to work independently. However, it can be a rewarding and satisfying way of working for those who value flexibility, control over their career, and the potential for greater earnings. Thanks for reading about the best freelance websites. Explore our “Resources” category for more insights and guides to make the most of your real estate website.




A designer and developer. He is constantly involved with history and loves to research.